Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today, I learned a value life lesson

So, today was a difficult day. By most accounts is was fair, but on other accounts, it was horrible. I guess I shouldn't say that either, because really, outside of this, it was a good day. Last night I noticed my little one (my yorkie) acting funny. After six years of being my stable companion, I can always tell when something is just "not right." Looking at my checkbook balance, I wondered how in the world I could afford something catostrophic to happen at the vet. I call the vet first, and let them know what was going on, and they tell me to bring her..still, I have no idea how much it will cost or what is wrong with her. Well, I take her in. The first estimate I received was $135. I thought, oh I can handle that. Whatever it takes, I'm willing to do, because when it comes to her health, there is no option. I head to several appointments, all the while worrying (which God tells us not to do) and thinking about what could be going on. Oh, and I forgot to mention that dropping her off is always horrible, I almost cry everytime. I cannot imagine being a 'real' mother and having to leave your child somewhere, because it tears me up, even with her. On the last call I made to the vet, his wife tells me that Annie is very tender around the abdominal area, and proceeds to clarify whether she has been spayed or not..No she has not..She then says that she could have some sort of uterine problem and that she may have to have an "emergency hysterectomy." To this comment, I get emotional. I call mom and sob on the phone, because at this moment (me fearing the worst), I cannot imagine life without her. Yes, death is as certain as the sun rising, but it is so hard to fathom life without something you love. I get stood up for my last appointment and run by the vet...Results: a minor virus of some sort, nothing, should clear up on it's own. PRAISE THE LORD! My excitement diminishes as I write a check for $202, but I could not be happier that my baby is going to be OK. Moral of this story: tomorrow is not promised...the people, animals of this world that you love so dearly must face death. I would rather be somewhat prepared for this kind of heartbreak, but it isn't always given. I have realized that you should cherish every moment that you have with those that you love..Savor their smile, hold their hands tightly, and pet their backs (dogs that is), often. I cannot imagine how God the father felt when his only son, died before his very eyes. What an amazing sacrafice he gave, so that we could have LIFE...So treasure it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Selling AIN'T easy right now

In sales, of course you have ups and downs, but GOSH, lately, it has been brutal. This economy is making everyone so scared of what lies around the corner, and they FLAT, just don't want to buy. My confidence level has really taken a turn downward, as the enemy keeps telling me that I cannot sell...That I'm a failure. I feel like I'm working harder than I ever have, but cannot get anything accomplished. Well, that's all for now..I'm going to keep trucking along, and praying for the guidance I need to succeed...

Weight Loss


So, I've been on this low carb diet for more than 7 days now...Currently on week 2, and it I am hanging in there. I will be blogging as my journey continues and update everyone with pictures as they come along. Thank you for supporting me along my journey!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Enemy Knocks..Grace Answers

Everyday the enemy knocks at my door,
I find myself answering just as before.
He pushes me down, leaving me battered and bruised,
He tells me I'm unworthy, that I'm being used.
I listen as he tells me lies about my worth,
and how I'll never succeed, I'll never move forth.
He slaps my face and I tremble in fear,
Believing his words and all that I hear.
He leaves in a rage, an evil procession,
My inside's exposed, I'm filled with aggression.
I feel so alone, unworthy, shamed and not loved,
like my soul is ripped apart and my body's been shoved.
In the back of the room, I hear a faint sound,
I find my feet and place them firmly on the ground.
It's the voice of truth that I am hearing call,
I feel my wounds healing as my body stands tall.
I've heard this before, but this time it's real,
I finally understand the grace that I feel.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A love song to Jesus

The love you've shown, I cannot explain,
it appears in the midst of hardship and pain.
The sins you bore for my soul to thrive,
keeps me going when I don't feel alive.
When my world has crumbled and I feel alone,
I feel your prescence, your love is shown.
When the bottom of my soul callapses in your hand,
You create in me the desire to stand.
The forces around me die in conquer,
the destruction of his works remain no longer.
You are the fire inside that keeps me going,
when the enemy seeks to keep me from growing.
You are the one I so long to love,
for all of my days until you take me above.